Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Busy Bee

Good morning all. I know that it has been quite a long time since my last post, but I have been a busy gal. So, a little side job came up a few weeks ago, and for two weeks I was flying by the seat of my pants trying to stage 18 beds for a furniture company's showroom in Tupelo, Mississippi. That job was finished last Thursday, and since then I have been chilling out and doing normal things people do like sleeping. I am so thankful to have been presented with that opportunity because I had been worrying quite a bit about trying to make a little money. Thank goodness the Lord gives you what you need.

Moving on from that, I have a confession. I want to run a marathon one day. Bigger confession: I cannot stick to a running schedule more than a pig can fly. I truly do think about going to run all day. I'll set my alarm clock for 6am, sometimes even 5am, thinking that "This is going to be the day, Katie. You are going to start your training TODAY! WOO HOO!" 5:00 rolls around and where am I? snoozing... How can I make it happen? I need to stick to my goals! Maybe I should be much harsher with myself, like - NO NCIS for you today Katie until you run.
*Side note - NCIS is my favorite show; It could possibly be the downfall of my running because I love to watch Gibbs and DiNozzo so much.
Does anyone have any suggestions on what to do about this?

In fact, I watched an Ironman documentary the other day, and I was so inspired. Chrissie Wellington truly is so inspiring! There were even seventy year old people competing. REALLY? yes, really. So if they can do it, so can I.

I guess I am going to go celebrate one of the last days of summer right now by going outside to run... I'll let you know later if this happens.

P.S. I wanted to post a picture of the cake I baked a few weeks ago. It was a pistachio cake with blackberry buttercream frosting. MMMM.

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